Friday, November 20, 2009

Top Tips on Buying a Sofa

Top Tips on Buying a Sofa
Surfing the net, snuggling up with the family, chilling with a takeaway or indulging in an afternoon with your selection DVD box set... Modern living means a lounge has become such more than somewhere to rest your legs of an evening.

The days of the three-piece suite may be gone, but there's ease an almost long selection of lounge shapes and styles on offer. So how do you choose between a traditional chesterfield and a bounteous squashy number?

'No other piece of furniture rings the changes like a new sofa,' says Polly Dickens, fictive director at The Conran Shop. 'The right design crapper form the centrepiece of a shack and dictate the feeling of an interior.' With this in mind, lettered your options is crucial - and a breeze with our guide to finding your perfect sofa.

Before You Buy

Sofas crapper cost anything from a few hundred pounds to the price of a small car, so it's wise to be clear about your budget.

Think about your lifestyle and how the lounge will need to function. 'Is it for a living room, a family shack or a playroom?' asks Matt Gayleard, sort director at Natuzzi. 'Do you have kids or pets, and how such effort crapper you put in to maintaining it?' How many people do you have to seat? What about a lounge bed for guests? Some sofas have built-in storage, so think about other uses the piece could have, too

Consider the Size

Measure up before you class and work out how bounteous a lounge you crapper accommodate. Two smaller sofas or digit super digit and a couple of armchairs may be more flexible.
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