Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas in New York City 1

Christmas in New York City - The Shop Windows

2009 Dec NYC 141

This year I am fortunate to be spending some 'Christmas time' in New York, which for me is one of the prettiest times of year in this city. There is so much to see and to do here at any time of year, but especially more so at Christmas. The displays in the store windows are magnificent, the Christmas lights are bigger and better than anywhere, the concerts, shows and theatre are at their best, the restaurants are overflowing, and the stores are filled with shoppers looking for just the right gifts, and everywhere the city is filled with good cheer. Enjoy the pictures.

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The ceiling at Macy's.

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Swarovski Crystals

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Louis Vuitton at Macy's

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I loved the awnings at Lord & Taylor which were totally covered in green boughs and thousands of twinkle lights.

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Kiki de Montparnasse in SoHo for the ultimate in Christmas lingerie.

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Stella McCartney in the Meatpacking District

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Brooks Brothers at Lincoln Center featured a Tie Tree for the discerning gentleman.

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Colombus Circle

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Cole Haan Rockefeller Center

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Anthropologie Rockefeller Center had fun and unusual window displays, like this one of the pink Cadillac in the snow bank.

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The Gap

My pictures below of the windows at Bergdorf really don’t do the beautiful displays the justice they deserve. They were so much better than the photos. There were so many people standing in front of the windows, that it was hard to get a full shot, and then the battery went dead on my camera and I had to take the rest of the photos on my iPhone at a much lower resolution. It is really hard to describe the amount of people in New York, unless you have been there at Christmas time. When I returned to Vancouver it felt like a sleepy little Hamlet in comparison.

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