Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Favorite: The Stagers

Have you watched The Stagers on HGTV? I really love this show! Unfortunately, since I like it, it must mean that its not a very popular show. I'm not sure why any time I like an HGTV show, it always seems to bomb. Perhaps I need to move to Canada. My favorite shows are Canadian and they do well there. Oh well!
I'm addicted to this show, because I think their designs are great and its just fun to watch. Home staging is different than interior design, because of its unique approach. In order to stage a home must be attractive w/out being too personal. I think it can be a challenge for homeowners to separate themselves from their own homes, so I agree w/ bringing in professionals to help. Also, with the current market being what it is, making your home as attractive as possible has to be a good thing!
The stagers are part of a Canadian company called Dekora. It looks like an amazing place that stores a massive amount of furniture, art and accessories available for staging. Personally, I have never run across a place quite like this, but would kill to do so!
If I were walking through this house, I would be tempted to runaway as fast as I could.

Ahhh! When can I move in?
I would love to get opinions of any designers reading this article about your feelings on staging.
Worthy cause, or passing fad?

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